External Competitions

SEASON 2022-23

The SCPF Annual Exhibition was judged on Nov.20th. by Eddy Lane ARPS DPAGB EFIAP APAGB with Wareham CC coming First overall(68.5) - an excellent achievement. The following images were submitted with Nigel Gidney (Female Bearded Reedling) and Gordon Chamberlain (Robin Calling) both Highly Commended.

Keep Left - Tim Green

The Ghosts of Aldwych -Tim Green

Meadow - Pat Norris

Frosted Willow Catkins - Jean Dixon

Milky Way rising at Durdle Door - Terry Mullen

Female Bearded Reedling - Nigel Gidney

Robin Calling - Gordon Chamberlain

Hare in the Rain - Nigel Gidney

68.5 First place. key [779931] doesn't existSee Images here.

Wessex Battle
This year's competition was won by Wimborne with Wareham a creditable 3rd out of 9 Clubs. Gordon Chamberlain won the Best Overall Image with Reed Bunting Feeding following success with the same image last year in the SAPA Best of Year competition.(see 06/04/22 below) Well done Gordon. See Club News for further details.
Club result
Wareham CC Total: 69½ 3rd

SEASON 2021-2022

SAPA Best of Year PDI's
Wareham selected entries:
Gordon Chamberlain - Reed Bunting Feeding - 2nd overall
Jean Dixon - Rosa Rugosa- Highly Commended
Nigel Gidney - Scarce Chaser- Held
Graham Tarrant - Leaving the River
Rob Ellett - Hong Kong Beehive
Well done Gordon,Jean and Nigel under very stiff competition and also highly positive comments for Graham and Rob. Judge was Jim Pascoe.

SCPF 2022 Championship
Wareham came a creditable 20th out of 34 clubs. Well done to all members participating. Link here for full round up.

After a difficult start and variable judging we finally improved in the SCPF (Southern Counties Photographic Federation) league and finished in 4th place and therefore stay in league 2 next season. Congratulations to participating members and we are aiming to get back to League 1 next season.

On Wed. Jan.5th with 18 images submitted we narrowly beat Boscombe in the SAPA league with 136 points against 131.5. Special congratulations to Graham Tarrant , Gordon Chamberlain, Jean Dixon and Nigel Gidney who all scored 10 points with respectively Leaving the River, Reed Bunting Feeding ,Rosa Rugosa and Great Crested Grebe with Feathers. The Judge was Norman Wiles LRPS DPAGB.

We also continue with the SCPF (Southern Counties Photographic Federation) league in Division 2.(8 divisions this year with total 62 clubs with 8 rounds of judging) Click here for link if you wish to follow our progress but we shall provide a full report at the end of the season.

The SAPA All v All PDI Competition took place on the 9th November hosted by Wareham, 10 club’s took part with 6 images per club from 6 different members and the judge was Leo Rich ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB Hon APAGB. We were delighted that on this occasion Wareham won by 4 clear marks.

We had our first SAPA league competition on 12th October versus Fordingbridge Camera Club judged by Kev Sandall, each club submitted 18 images and it was a very closely fought contest won in the end by Fordingbridge 136.5 - 134.5.

SEASON 2020-21

Members will have received an email link(29/05) to SAPA's recent 'Best of Year' PDI competition results. Well done to Alan Bevis for his 'Steamy Conversation' which achieved a Highly Commended.

The Club again entered the Southern Counties Photographic Federation League(SCPF) for DPI's in the current season. Having been promoted to the heady heights of League 1 the previous year we have unfortunately now slipped into League 2. However there are seven leagues and 57 clubs entering eight images each and the competition standards are extremely high so many thanks to those continuing to represent us at such a high level.
We also had more local success with the Stour and Avon Photographic Association(SAPA).This has ten clubs in four groups(all DPI's this year) and we are proud to announce that we won both our Group and the overall Final. Again many thanks to all those whose images were selected.
For those wishing to check results and follow our progress next season you can click on the following links:
SCPF - then click 'PDI League'


SCPF- This season we were successful in League 2 and were promoted to League 1. EXCELLENT RESULT FOR WAREHAM CAMERA CLUB.